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Tisha B'Av Service

Led by Associate Rabbi Bailey Romano and Cantor Ayelet Porzecanski

Location | Oneg Room

We gather together to observe Tisha B’Av in a candle-lit service, commemorating the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the tragedies that have befallen our people throughout our history. This year we will hear selections chanted from Eicha (the book of Lamentations) paired with poems, reflections, and testimonies recalling  the destruction and tragedy of October 7th. As we go back and forth from the distant past to our challenging present, echoes of our history in song, text, and prayer will allow us the space to hold our grief while reaching out for connection. Together, we will move from destruction and despair to hope and repair. Cushions will be spread out on the floor for seating, but chairs will be available for those who need them. 

June 25

October 7th-The Bigger Picture

September 4

Rosh Chodesh Elul Service