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Rosh Chodesh Elul Service

Join Rabbi Lippe this coming Wednesday morning, September 4 at 9:00am in the BHS Sanctuary to welcome the first day of the Hebrew lunar month of Elul and hear the shofar sounded.

Location | Sanctuary

There will be a brief shacharit (morning) service, Torah study and shofar sounding. Starts promptly at 9:00am and will conclude by 9:45am.

The sixth month of the Hebrew calendar, Elul is the month the rabbis describe as our opportunity to prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days. It is the month of taking stock, heshbon nefesh, and stretching our atrophied spiritual muscles. It is our chance to find our bearings and to seek out our moral center. The sounding of the shofar each morning of Elul is our Jewish tradition’s communal wake up call to each and every one of us.

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September 4

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