Brooklyn Heights Synagogue K-12 Religious School Program is a dynamic, inclusive kehillah kedosha, holy community. For our students, it is their unique Jewish home. It is a place where we learn together, embrace and wrestle with our heritage and cultivate a vibrant Jewish identity. The relationships that our students build with their fellow students, teachers and the BHS community are at the heart of our students’ Jewish journey. We honor the diversity of our families and guide our students to connect to a Judaism that is personally meaningful. We welcome you and your family to visit the school and have a conversation with us about your Jewish wishes and goals for your child. 

At BHS Religious School the purpose of Jewish education is to prepare a child for a life-long, personally meaningful, and purposeful journey rooted in Judaism. We go beyond the acquisition of knowledge. We address the heart by exploring beliefs and values, the hands through lived ritual, service and celebration, and the feet, guiding the student to stand in relationship with their classroom, synagogue, and world community.

When To Begin

Families are strongly encouraged to enroll each child starting in Kindergarten. To celebrate Bar/Bat Mitzvah at the traditional age of 13 at BHS, a child must begin Religious School no later than the 3rd grade. In other cases, families wishing to enroll a child must meet with the Senior Rabbi or Associate Rabbi Educator for an assessment and to recommend grade placement or tutoring. In such situations, the time of a bar/bat mitzvah will be adjusted to fit the level of the student.

You must be a member of Brooklyn Heights Synagogue to enroll your child in Religious School.

Click here for information about membership.

Contact us

To request information, registration materials, or a school visit, please contact us at

718-522-2070 x160

a preschool boy holds up a hand-painted challah cover that says i love being jewish