a bar mitzvah student reads the torah

You don’t have a B’Mitzvah. You become a B’Mitzvah.

At the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue, our B'Mitzvah capably demonstrate their ability to lead services, chant Torah and Haftarah, participate in a Mitzvah project, and teach our community the lessons they have gleaned from our sacred texts.

A young person automatically becomes B’Mitzvah on their 13th birthday, but celebrating B’Mitzvah as a change in status, requires hard work and a lot of practice. Our B’Mitzvah program is a student driven experience from start to finish that results in a deep sense of accomplishment and pride for children and families.

Although B’Mitzvah is often seen as the culmination of Religious School education, it is NOT the end of Jewish learning. We are all obligated to continue the study of Torah and the fulfillment of righteous deeds throughout our lives. B’Mitzvah celebrates a child’s change in status and honors their new responsibilities, not only on the day of their ceremony but through ongoing commitments to our tradition and our community. Teens and families at BHS stay involved in Jewish learning, service and community by attending Hebrew High, being a part of our Madrichim program, volunteering, and or joining BHGSY (Brooklyn Heights Group for Synagogue Youth).

Many families celebrate their child’s B’Mitzvah with a Simcha Leaf and a contribution to one or more of the clergy’s discretionary funds.

a bar mitzvah student poses with the torah and rabbi lippe

B’Mitzvah Practice Materials

Watch Recent B’Mitzvah Services

Below are recordings of the blessings and prayers that our B’Mitzvah are responsible for leading.