graphic for the synagoge's preschool summer camp 2024

We are so glad that you want to spend your summer vacation with us!

The BHS Preschool Summer Program features qualified, caring teachers and fully equipped preschool classrooms. Children in our summer program enjoy neighborhood playground trips, and special guests and trips each week, and can play in our air-conditioned classrooms, or enjoy outdoor water play, too!

Week 1 • June 17 - 21 (closed Wednesday, June 19)


A magical week with a magic show by our BHSP favorite – Magic Evan!

Week 2 • June 24 - 28


A visit from the Gavin Farm Petting Zoo… We love a visit from animals here at BHSP!

WEEK 3 • July 1 - 5 (closed Thursday, July 4)


A visit to the Transit Museum and lots of train play.

WEEK 4 • July 8 - 12


Join guest artists from Spellbound for a week of learning and playing with puppets! Let’s do a show!

WEEK 5 • July 15 - 19


It’s superhero week, so find your inner superhero with costumes and super-play, then visit some real life heroes at the fire station and enjoy the excitement of a visit from a police car and an ice cream truck!

WEEK 6 • July 22 - 26


Stir up some delicious recipes for chef week when we will go for a “make your own pizza party” at My Little Pizzeria.

WEEK 7 • July 29 - August 2


Carnival week is a BHSP tradition to finish off our camp season. We will make our own carnival games, whip up some cotton candy, and enjoy an amazing bouncy castle! We know how to celebrate summer at BHSP!


Summer Twos is primarily for students who have enrolled in our preschool for Fall 2024. The program gives our in-coming students a chance to make friends and become familiar with the school before they even start!


How many Summer Twos?

We have 2 groups of Summer Twos with about 8-10 children per group. Each class has 3 teachers.

Who can come to Summer Twos?

We prioritize our incoming students and after a first registration process will invite others to register, too, if there is space.

Who will the teachers be?

Our summer sessions are staffed with BHSP teachers.

When does it meet?

June 24 – August 1 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:15am to 11:30am

Where will the Summer 2s play?

The Summer 2s will have a sprinkler and water table to allow lots of water play and splashing on our hot summer days. Twos will also use our indoor, air-conditioned gym and of course their classroom.

What else will they do?

Summer 2s will play, enjoy some special visitors like Super Soccer Stars and some yoga and music, enjoy snacks, play outside in our sprinkler and water table, try out some art projects, cooking, do story times, and much more!

What if it is hot or rainy?

If it is too hot or we have bad weather, the Summer 2s simply play in our air-conditioned classrooms

Are snacks provided?

Yes! (And since we are not here on Fridays, challah and frozen grape juice “Shabbatsicles” on Thursdays!)

Can I leave? Do I have to leave?

It is just fine either way! We ask that you be patient as teachers guide you or your caregiver and your child through gentle separation. Summer 2s is about enjoying the classroom and making some friends from next year’s class. Having a great, relaxed summer experience is the most important thing!

What does gentle separation mean?

Gentle separation is the process of helping a young child make the transition to knowing and trusting a new teacher and saying goodbye to a parent or familiar caregiver at school. It involves going at a child’s pace. While we know that your child will never love to say goodbye to you, he or she can find the experience minimally stressful given a phase-in period to become comfortable with the new teacher and classroom. This process may be very quick for one child, and longer for another. Teachers in a gentle separation process are using the first few sessions of class to help a child build some positive associations with school, and are also becoming increasingly familiar with what they may particularly enjoy! Teachers consider a child ready for full separation, and done with the phasing-in process, when they can accept some comfort or distraction from a teacher when feeling unsure about the departure of a familiar, loved adult.

Is potty training required?

Absolutely not. Send along diapers and wipes. (Getting started or in the middle of potty training? Let us know! We are happy to partner with you!)

What about my even younger child?

Keep an eye out for outdoor play times where you can drop in to have some of the BHS experience! We particularly look forward to Sunshine Shabbats on Friday mornings!