Our staff is here to make your experience at BHS a warm and welcoming time. We look forward to meeting new members and invite you to contact us with any questions you may have or for assistance.

If you need to be directed to the right person to address your questions, please give us a call at 718-522-2070.


Brooklyn Heights Synagogue

131 Remsen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201 
t: 718-522-2070, f: 718-522-3976 

immediate past president of the synagogue lauren young and executive director linda harvey pose with children from the synagogue's preschool


Rabbi Serge Lippe | Senior Rabbi

Cantor Ayelet Porzecanski  | Cantor

Rabbi Bailey Romano | Associate Rabbi

Danielle Lund | Clergy Assistant | 718-522-2070 x138

Main Office | 718-522-2070 x121

Linda Harvey | Executive Director | 718-522-2070 x122

Jenny Powers | Director of Development | 718-522-2070 x103

Lisa Kopel | Director of Member Engagement | 718-522-2070 x124

Preschool | 718-522-2070 x126

Religious School | 718-522-2070 x160


Comptroller, Brooklyn Heights Synagogue

To learn more about this open position or apply click here.

Application posted on 3/6/25 and will remain open until filled.