Brooklyn Heights Synagogue is a lay-led community, with a Board of Trustees and an Executive Committee. Our Board members are actively involved in all aspects of the congregation, from organizing events and shaping policies to planning the growth of our community. BHS Members are welcome to assume leadership roles by joining a committee, serving on the board, coordinating a program, or volunteering for events.

Our leaders are also leaders in the Brooklyn Heights community, serving on the boards of a variety of local organizations.


Board of Trustees 2024-2025

Aaron Zimmerman, President

Alan Gertler, First Vice President

Nancy Cohen, Vice President

Frances Gottfried, Vice President

Adam Riff, Secretary

Alan Schiffres, Vice President

Stephen Yankauer, Treasurer

Andrew Ball, Trustee

Ross Brown, Trustee

Yael Hantman, Trustee

Miriam Katowitz, Trustee

Max Leighton, Trustee

Barry Leipsic, Trustee

Jennifer Richardson, Trustee

Dan Rosenbaum, Trustee

Alan Schiffres, Trustee

Martine Smidt, Trustee

Adam Steinberg, Trustee

Dory Weiss, Trustee

Molly Zaentz, Trustee

Lauren Young, Immediate Past President

Marcia Bellows, Past President

Karen Gordon, Past President

Rhonda Epstein, Past President

David Jaroslaw, Past President

Scott Sager, Past President

Melissa Benson, Past President

Harry Greenwald, Past President

Susan Chadick, Past President

Barbara Deinhardt, Past President

Joel Nowak, Past President

Linda Sosnowitz, Past President

Anne T. Landman, Past President

Joyce Raskin, Past President

Judith Fishman, Past President

Herbert Glantz, Past President