The Brooklyn Heights Synagogue is a welcoming, inclusive community dedicated to lifelong learning, supporting each other, and caring for the world. We are a progressive congregation affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. We value the diverse ways in which our members express their Jewish identities as we maintain an abiding respect for the traditions of the Jewish people. We offer opportunities for members of all ages and backgrounds to participate in a variety of ways, from ritual to social justice, to the arts, to ways not yet imagined. We encourage our members’ involvement and creativity in shaping our community.

More About BHS…
We have shared celebrations, learning, service, and worship since our founding in 1959. Today we are a community of over 500 member units made up of families, couples, and singles who live not only in nearby Brownstone Brooklyn neighborhoods and DUMBO, but also in Lower Manhattan and other neighborhoods throughout the city.

Brooklyn Heights Synagogue has an active membership and is proud to offer a full calendar of worship services, education programs, special events, and opportunities to engage in Tikkun Olam that reflect the diverse interests and needs of this community. As a founding member of the New York City Emergency Shelter Network, Brooklyn Heights Synagogue has maintained a homeless shelter during the winter months for over 40 years.

Rabbi Serge Lippe provides spiritual leadership for the congregation along with our Cantor Ayelet Porzecanski and our Associate Rabbi Bailey Romano. We offer Friday evening Shabbat services and Saturday morning Torah study every week throughout the year, in addition to High Holiday and Festival worship services. On many Saturday mornings from September through June, we celebrate the coming of age of a B’Mitzvah, at Shabbat morning services. All are welcome to worship with us.

Under the leadership of our Director of Early Childhood Education, our Preschool currently serves more than 100 children, many of whom are also BHS families. Our Director of Religious School oversees our K-12 program including post-B’Mitzvah study featuring a 9th-grade trip to Israel led by our clergy team. Congregational learning extends, as well, to adults of all ages and interests.

Brooklyn Heights Synagogue is a lay-led community governed by a Board of Trustees and an Executive Committee that meet regularly. Our members are actively involved in all aspects of congregational life, from shaping policies and organizing events to planning the growth of our community.

exterior of brooklyn heights synagogue