CHANUKAH 5785/2024


Thursday, December 5

Vodka, Latkes, and Pie!
A post-Thanksgiving, pre-Chanukah grown-up night out at BHS!

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday, December 12

What Happens with Chanukah this Year?
The first night of Chanukah falls on December 25th this year! We will spend our time reading and reviewing 8 brief passages, each on a different aspect/theme of the holiday and exploring how we can incorporate them into this year’s vacation-period scheduling of the Festival of Lights. Also, a chance to review the basics: items and blessings!

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Sunday, December 15

Preschool Festival of Books
Everything from author book signings, bouncy castle, arts and crafts, a photo booth and more! Do your Chanukah gift shopping with us and create your family holiday card!

10:00am - 1:30pm

During the week of December 15th during Religious School students will enjoy soufganiyot (donuts), Chanukah songs, and will receive Chanukah candles to take home for their menorahs!

Thursday, December 19

Pre-Chanukah Tot Candle Lighting
Bring your favorite menorahs, we will provide the candles, latkes and suganiyot. 

4:00pm – 5:00pm

Friday, December 27
Third Night of Chanukah

Shabbat and Chanukah Evening Service
Led by Rabbi Romano, and Cantorial Intern Sarina Elenbogen-Siegel.
6:30pm – 8:00pm


Kindling the Festival Lights — The Chanukah Blessings

Candles are added to the chanukiyah from right to left but are kindled from left to right. The newest candle is lit first.

First light the shamash (the helper candle, set higher or lower than all the rest of the candles); then use it to kindle the rest of the Chanukah lights.

On Friday evening we light and bless the Chanukah lights first and then the Shabbat candles.

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik neir shel Chanukah.
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe; You make us holy with Your mitzvot, and command us to kindle the Chanukah lights.

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam she-asah nisim la’avoteinu/l’imoteinu bayamim haheim baz’man hazeh.
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe; You showed wonders to our fathers/mothers in this season in days of old.

On the first night only we add:
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam shehecheyanu v’kiymanu v’higiyanu laz’man hazeh.
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, for giving us life, for sustaining us and for enabling us to reach this season.