With Professor Dalia Marx of HUC-JIR Jerusalem
Location | outdoors in the BHS Sukkah, weather permitting
A text and dialogue program with one of Israel’s leading progressive Jewish scholars of the liturgy. We will utilize several traditional Jewish texts drawn from the Bible, Talmuds and Midrash as launchpads into a discussion of our themes.
Marx is the lead editor of the Israeli Reform siddur, Tfillat HaAdam (2020). Her book From Time to Time: Journeys in the Jewish Calendar” (Yeditos Sfarim 2018), was translated to several languages, and is available in English from the CCAR Press. She is the author of “When I Sleep and When I Wake: On Prayers between Dusk and Dawn” (Yediot Sfarim, 2010, in Hebrew), “A Feminist Commentary of the Babylonian Talmud” (Mohr Siebeck, 2013, in English), and the co-editor of several other books.