A New Year Brings Us To New Heights


As we start our calendar year, we want to connect with the BHS community with a New Heights Campaign update. Working together, we are getting closer to a shared goal of combining our two Remsen Street buildings into one beautiful, accessible and enlarged indoor and outdoor space for BHS members and friends.

Thus far, about 140 households have stepped up and we have raised more than 70% of our goal.

We remain thrilled to see pledges cutting across every BHS demographic – older, younger, single, married, working families, retired, and more. Those new to our community are stepping up to support us, as are long time members. Please know that full participation is our goal, and we look forward to continued outreach to the community to continue the momentum. One household at a time.

For those who have already supported the New Heights Campaign we cannot thank you enough. For those who will soon be joining us, we cannot do it without you.

With your help, we will reach our goal.

The construction work is scheduled to begin in the late spring of 2020 and will be planned in stages to minimize disruptions. We will provide ongoing notices to the community of what to expect, and when.

While we remain committed to outreaching to you, BHS members and friends … we invite you to reach out to us. Please contact us to discuss your BHS experience for our future, and when ready, your commitment to the campaign by clicking the campaign button below.
In the meantime, thank you all and, stay tuned for more exciting updates.

Warmest Regards,
Susan Chadick, Campaign Co-Chair
Dave Smetana, Campaign Co-Chair